Family climate and academic performance in nursing students of a Higher Technological University Institute of Ecuador
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Family climate, academic performance, student motivation, nursing, educational qualityResumen
Family climate (FC) was related to academic performance (AR) of university nursing students. The sample consisted of 172 students of a Higher Technological University Institution of Ecuador. The approach was quantitative, descriptive-correlational-transectional. A survey was used, and a FF-SIL questionnaire of family functionality, proposed by Ortega Veitía et al. (1999), composed of 14 items. The instrument is used to determine the functionality between existing relationships of each of the family members. Academic performance was collected from the students' final grades in their midterm grades, added to their final average. Jamovi 2.5.6 software was used. Frequencies and percentages were calculated by levels. The Test-Spearman test was used for correlation. There was a high percentage of students with moderately functional and functional families. However, 27.7% showed a dysfunctional or severely dysfunctional family climate. The group obtained an average academic performance of 7.49 points. A significant correlation was obtained between the variable’s family climate and academic performance. Spearman's Rho was also applied to see the relationship between family climate and the father's level of education, obtaining a significant but negative correlation; but no correlation was found for the relationship between family climate and the mother's level of education. Family climate is related to academic performance, although other intervening factors cannot be omitted. Family climate is affected by the father's level of education.
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Derechos de autor 2024 María José Espinoza Toapanta, Carlos David Quenguan Nastar, Adriana Gabriela Sequera Morales, Víctor Manuel Reyes, Paula Francisca Davelouis Casana
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