Exploring relationships between learning styles and academic performance in Nursing: a case in tertiary and technological education
https://doi.org/10.47606/ACVEN/PH0299Palabras clave:
Nursing learning, Quality of teaching and learning, Technology education, Learning styles, Academic performanceResumen
The relationship between learning styles and academic performance (AP) was investigated in first semester students of the Nursing career of a tertiary and technological education institute of the Metropolitan District of Pichincha, Ecuador. The work corresponds to a quantitative research, based on a non-experimental design, under the modality of a case study, which had a relational scope. A probabilistic sample of 107 subjects from the first semester was selected. The questionnaire used was the CHAEA (Alonso et al., 1999), which explores 4 learning styles through 80 items, assigning 20 items per dimension. The responses are dichotomous, assessing the presence or absence of the attribute. The ratings summarizing academic performance (AP) were explored through 4 levels (Insufficient to Very good). Scores were identified for each style and a calculation of frequencies and percentages by levels was made from the ratings. The association contrast required the design of contingency tables and subsequently the application of Pearson's Chi2 test. The presence of the four learning styles was observed, having higher prevalence Ref-S and Theo-S; both with 103 cases, followed by the Prag-S style. This indicates that students perceive that they learn in a reflective manner, privileging logical thinking, and practical applications and problem solving. No association was found with AP. This differs from what has been reported in the literature, which calls for a review of the contextual elements.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Sophya Natalia Peñafiel Limaico, Johanna Paola Sanmartin Sanmartin, Adriana Gabriela Sequera Morales, Víctor Manuel Reyes, Paula Francisca Davelouis Casana
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